Always page your midwife day or night if you have an urgent concern.
Postpartum – Client
It is important that you page a midwife immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms during your postpartum:
- Fever of greater than 38 degrees C/ 100.4 degrees F
- Signs of a bladder infection
- Sore, reddened, painful, hard, hot area on your breast/chest with or without a fever and flu-like symptoms
- You have persistent uterine tenderness
- Your vaginal discharge smells foul (like rotting meat, or pus) It should smell like normal period but a bit stronger
- You are completely soaking through a maternity pad in 30 minutes or less or the flow becomes significantly heavier than it has been, unrelated to activity
- Return to heavy, bright red vaginal bleeding after vaginal flow has decreased
- You pass more than 1 large blood clot
- Ongoing feelings of depression, uncontrolled crying, inability to sleep or eat, extreme anxiety or agitation
- Sore reddened, painful, hot area on your leg, especially the calf
- Severe chest pain
Postpartum – Baby
- Poor colour – blue or gray face or chest
- If the newborn has not urinated or passed meconium in the first 24 hours after the birth
- Baby is lethargic and is not interested in feeding for greater than 8 hours
- Repetitive projectile vomiting
- Fever of greater than 38 degrees C/ 100.4 degrees F