Leaving midwifery care

We encourage you to use the following forms:

Client satisfaction form
Student evaluation form

Please email your completed forms to our office administrator at  reception@midwivescollective.ca, or if you would like to submit them anonymously, please mail them to us at: Midwives Collective, 1203 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON., M6H 1N4.

Client council
The collective offers volunteer services through a client council, organized and run by former clients. These services include the gathering of information for a client-to-client Help List that matches clients with challenges or questions with other clients with their own relevant experience to share, and planning for our annual Reunion Picnic.

Please join the MCT client council.

Client contact
If you are a client of MCT, you can send your email addresses & full names to  reception@midwivescollective.ca to receive notification of upcoming reunion picnics, and other midwifery related information.

Client donations
We are currently not accepting donated items at our clinic. You are welcome to create a paper posting with your contact information so that other clients can reach you directly if they would like the item(s) you have to offer. Staff will be happy to post these for you in our waiting area.

Cash donations are appreciated for our Joshua Fund to assist other midwifery care clients.