
The Midwives Collective of Toronto
1203 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M6H 1N4
Telephone: (416) 963-8842
Fax: (416) 963-4398

For Current Clients:

Non-Urgent Messages
Support staff is in the office Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm.  Non-urgent messages can be left on the answering machine and will be returned as soon as possible.

Urgent Messages
We all carry pagers and can be reached 24 hours a day.  If you consider a matter to be urgent, page your midwife.  If you do not receive a call within ten to fifteen minutes, call the pager and leave your message again.  If your midwife still has not returned your call, page your student midwife, your back-up midwife or another Collective midwife. There is no call display on a pager – you must enter a phone number where the midwife can call you back OR leave a voice message after the tone.

Change of Appointments – cancelled by midwife
Because of the nature of our work we sometimes have to cancel appointments at short notice. You can expect that some of your appointments will need to be rescheduled. One hour before coming to any appointment, call your midwife’s pager to check for messages that may postpone appointments for that day.

Change of Appointments – cancelled by client
If you will be late for or need to reschedule your visit close to appointment time (within 24 hours), please call the office and they will contact the midwife who was to see you. If you do not reach a support person, page the midwife who was to see you. Please try to keep your appointments unless it is absolutely necessary to reschedule.

Holiday / Time Off-Call
Midwives go off-call for their holidays, personal time, or other professional obligations. Clients who are close to their due date will be informed in advance of any other time off-call, except in emergency situations. When your midwife if off call, their pager will provide instructions about who is to be contacted with urgent concerns.

If Pagers are Not Working
Paging technology is imperfect. If the pagers appear to be malfunctioning (continuous busy signal or dead air) and you need to reach your midwife urgently, call your student midwife, as they have a different pager service. Your next step should be to call the office. If we know the paging system is malfunctioning we will leave directions on the voice mail. If this is unsuccessful call the Mount Sinai Labour floor 416-586-4800 x4511 and they will try to reach us.

Electronic Communication
There may be times when you communicate with midwives and students by text, email, or an app. These are not reliable or secure ways to communicate. Please page or call the clinic to ensure a safe and timely response.